Service learning provides students with rich opportunities for personal, intellectual, and social growth and development.
• Leadership, self-esteem, character, and a student’s willingness to take risks and accept challenges.
• Civic participation, social responsibility, political efficacy, and an appreciation for those with a different social, economic, or cultural background. It lets students explore a service career.
• Critical thinking, problem solving, the application of knowledge, judgment and insight, creativity, and professional skills.
• Connecting Service with Learning – academically rigorous, meaningful service with a significant positive impact on those involved
• Reflection – assessment of personal and community needs, reflection on participation, and evaluation of progress
• Reciprocity – both the student and community partner give and receive time, energy, knowledge, and creativity
• Critical thinking - involvement in situations conducive to creative, effective problem-solving
• Social responsibility - expansion of student’s compassion, civic awareness, and desire to be engaged in the community
• Experiential learning - use of direct experience and hands-on learning to develop skills useful in future careers, family life, and community involvement
• Needs-based – project based on community-identified needs