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Connecticut Small Business Development Center

Community Partner(s): CT State agencies (DECD, SoS, DOR, DOL, DDS, DAS), municipal economic development offices, Chambers of Commerce, colleges and universities, community colleges, regional foundations, non-profit small business support organizations, others
Demographics: everyone 18-99 years old, younger with parent's permission
School or College: School of Business
Campus Affiliation: UConn Storrs
Andover, Ansonia, Ashford
Program Description

CTSBDC is a cooperative initiative of the US SBA, CT DECD, and the UConn School of Business. They provide no-cost 1:1 advising and support to CT small business owners and entrepreneurs seeking to start a business. This program has a staff of 21, including 15 advisors throughout CT. They collaborate with dozens of organizations, speak at numerous events, participate in initiatives with public and private partners, assist and support municipalities with education and advising for their local businesses, and support multiple state agencies in carrying out their mission. Last year, they served 3,330 businesses (the total for the prior two years was 10,000), helping them raise over $62 million in capital and start 194 new companies. 37% of our clients were minority, 49.5% women, and 20% minority women owners. They are one of UConn’s largest community touchpoints in CT. Annually, they connect 10-12 UConn undergraduates with small businesses for work experience and provide more in-depth work for 8 B-school grad students each summer in conjunction with CCEI.  The lead office is in East Hartford. They have a small campus presence (Storrs only, occasionally TIP in Stamford) because we need more room. The sors sit at Chamber of Commerce offices, accelerator programs, and town offices. They are an accredited member of a national association of SBDCs.

small business entrepreneurial support economic development community engagement