Tell Us About Your Outreach and Engagement Projects!
The Office of Outreach & Engagement is collecting information about ongoing outreach and community engagement projects led by the University community. The objective of this project is to create a centralized database activity that can be used to broaden participation and make more public the work that is already being done within UConn. Please submit your information in this link.
Please contact Rosa Raudales with any questions.

Provost’s Awards for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship
UConn PAECES Awards 2023
The Provost’s Awards for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship recognize scholarly activities that integrate community service with research, creative work, and teaching.
Community-Engaged Scholarship (CES) is integral to the academic endeavor and to the institution-wide mission of a land-grant university. It is defined as the collaborative and mutually beneficial, creative exchange of knowledge and resources between the University and the community (local, regional/state, national, or global) in order to:
-enrich scholarship, research, and creative activity;
-enhance curriculum, teaching, and learning;
-provide life-transformative educational experiences;
-prepare educated, engaged citizens;
-promote social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusivity;
-strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility;
-address critical societal issues; and contribute to the public good.

Nominations for the 2023 awards are due to by 5:00 p.m. on January 11, 2023.
Self-nominations are not accepted.
Campus Compact
Newman Civic Fellowship 2023-2024
Compact is now accepting nominations for the 2023-2024 Newman Civic Fellowship, a yearlong program that recognizes and supports outstanding community-committed students at Campus Compact member institutions.
The fellowship is a yearlong opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to nurture their assets and passions, engage in collaborative action, and act to address inequality and polarization. Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides in-person and virtual learning opportunities focused on building the skills fellows need to serve as effective agents of change.
Info Sessions
Want to know more about the benefits of the Newman Civic Fellowship program or how to get started nominating a fellow? Join us for an upcoming info session to learn all the ins and outs of the program.
Tuesday, November 15 @ 2:00 pm Eastern
Tuesday, December 13 @ 2:00 pm Eastern
Tuesday, January 10 @ 2:00 pm Eastern
Service Learning Fall 2022 Series
Service Learning and Striving to Create Safe Spaces for our Students and Community Partners
Session 03 – Friday, Dec. 9 (10:00 to 11:30am) How does Service Learning engage students and community to work together and provide intentional learning spaces for social justice and human rights conversations? We will delve into how this authentic teaching and learning style opens the space for discussions around race, culture, and social justice and how to navigate through those topics of conversation.
Service Learning and Flexible Learning Environments
In-person: Gentry #232
Tuesday, Nov. 15 (2:30-3:300pm) Join your colleagues in a conversation to explore new ideas and possibilities for service learning in flexible learning environments. In the last three years all faculty have had to revisit their teaching practices to adjust to the COVID-19 and Post-COVID world. A positive outcome of this change is the opportunity to use new skills and teaching perspectives to re-engage with our students in new, flexible ways. Desmond McCaffrey, Director of UConn Online and Julia Yakovich, Director of Service Learning, will lead this conversational brainstorming session about the possibilities for service learning in online and flexible learning environments.
For more information, please contact Julia Yakovich (
Program Spotlight
4-H has been offering programs for 120 years. Yes, 120 years!
UConn 4-H is the youth development program of UConn Extension. Their mission is to assist all youth, ages 5 to 18, in acquiring knowledge, developing leadership and life skills while forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive and contributing members of their families and communities. 4-H volunteers play a significant role in helping youth to reach their full potential. 4-H volunteers help youth to learn leadership, civic education and life skills through projects and activities. The UConn 4-H program works with youth in areas related to civic engagement, healthy living, STEM including agriculture, humanities, and much more. The 4-H program has a program educator in every county, connects with a broad net of partners across the state, and have access to three outdoor camping centers and the 4-H Education Center at Auerfarm.
UConn 4-H program aligns with the research based 4-H thriving model and programs are aligned with the strategic initiatives in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. These include climate adaptation and resilience; promoting diversity, equity and inclusion; enhancing health and well-being; ensuring sustainable agriculture and food systems; and fostering sustainable landscapes at the urban-rural interface.
The 4-H Program is open to join forces with individuals and programs interested in creating education opportunities for children ages 5 to 18. Here are some ways to collaborate:
- Volunteer to deliver a program that advances the 4-H mission.
- Motivate your students in volunteering with 4-H activities.
- Collaborate in projects and grants proposals that would be enhanced with youth outreach components.
- Partner 4-H trained staff to coordinate activities with children.
- Learn from 4-H to work with youth in the ages 5-18 (K-12).
Learn more about the UConn 4-H program at: and connect with them to take advantage of a well-established program with strong community connections.
If you are interested in partnering with 4-H please contact Jennifer Cushman (

Free dental care for the underserved and uninsured in Connecticut—those that would otherwise go without dental care – is the focus of the Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach’s 15th annual Connecticut Mission of Mercy Free Dental Clinic (CTMOM) being held on Saturday, November 12 and Sunday, November 13 at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine in Farmington.

Connecticut recently became one of only three states with a Right to Counsel law in cases of eviction or loss of a housing subsidy.
The Office of Outreach & Engagement is responsible for creating and coordinating opportunities to connect UConn with the community with the purpose of building and strengthening partnerships that advance an inclusive society, environmental sustainability, and economic growth in Connecticut.